Go WU !

This site has its first birthday this month.  Quite a year it’s been for the Wussies:

Best new WUS tradition:  Beer Mile/Donut Run

Worst new WUS tradition: Margarita pitchers after the Beer Mile.

Craziest WUS performance: Adam at Arrowhead 135 and Sean at Zane Grey 50 (tie, and given wussie predilections, I doubt we’ll ever just have one winner in this category)

Most predictable WUS performance:  Keith, every race.

Best WUS sprint-to-the-finish: Neal’s 2nd Beer mile.  Frankly, we’re surprised Neal’s Succeed ad didn’t highlight Neal’s gut-wrenching Beer Mile #2 finish, holding off Bobby Gill’s chest lean at the wire.

Worst WUS sprint-to-the-finish: Martha’s Holiday Lake barffest.

Best WUS list-serv commenter: Mario, for anything posted after 10pm

Worst WUS list-serv commenter: Matt’s dad

Best dressed wussie: Ryon Lane (Keith’s shorts a close 2nd)

Most clandestine WUS couple: Joe & Boots

Least clandestine WUS couple: Torstin

Most improved WUSsie: Ragan.  Tenure, baby.

WUS injured reserve list: Brian, Brittany, Aaron, Ryon Lane, Bobby Gill, Tom Corris.









2 Responses to Happy Birthday, wussies.net!

  1. Eeeee! I got a mention on wussies.net!

  2. martha says:

    You were definitely nominated for Best Dressed too. But I feared putting you, Ryon, and Keith’s shorts in the same category would have led to mass rioting.

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