Well, I think we have finally discovered what will bring the WUSsies out in droves.

a) 100+ degree heat

b) promises of a purply toenail

c) Bobby Gill [I guess that’s kind of the same thing as a)]

One might have thought that the CPBG patrons might have been nonplussed to be sharing their roof deck with 15 sweaty runners (although we were kind enough to follow Aaron’s lead and wring the puddles of sweat out of our shirts before entering, much to the delight of a certain 11-year old boy passing on the sidewalk (Mommy, can we have pizza EVERY Tuesday night??).  Instead, some kind ladies at a neighboring table shared with us their entire cake — Farewell, boss Richard!

Such an outpouring of WUSsies deserves some kind of commemoration.  We were graced by the presence of a record number of women:

Marjon (long-awaited since Eagle Run!), Jamie (Horton’s former employee, visiting DC for the summer), Sabrina (we’re looking forward to some lessons in non-practical theology), Anna (getting back into training for Beer Mile redemption), Mackenzie (will be working on email word choice — although her endorsement may have played a key role in WUSsie turnout), Kirstin (best dressed, as always), Boots (one of our scarce and prized female WUS regulars), and myself (tolerated only because I’m the only one who knows the damn trails out there).

The ladies begrudgingly tolerated the men only because they carried our beer money and water (or in the case of Randy sprinted back to the WUS house to retrieve the beer money):

Randy (Amy and Marjon’s friend visiting from Portland (really missing the Portland weather)), Bobby (I can’t run because my biceps are too big) Gill, JLD (tolerated because he always brings females), Ryon (tolerated because he always has some entertaining new piece of gear [this time it was a wet rag tied around his neck]), Aaron (who’s greatest contribution to the run may be the squeal he always elicits from Kirstin — well, the impersonations aren’t shabby either), Tom (who doesn’t seem to mind the squeals Aaron elicits from Kirstin), Joe (I’m still waiting to see the day Joe gets pissed about something), Art (who stole my seat but fortunately not my beer).

Noticeably absent:

Keith: perhaps tired of being my waterboy

Brian: sad sad sad 🙁 🙁 still not running

Sean A: hot Match date!

If the Matchgirl doesn't call back, we all know why.

No, I don't think that helps, Seanie.


Sean B: probably couldn’t find his heart monitor

Doug: I can’t think of anything disparaging to say about Doug but he wanted his absence to be noted


My purple toe from Holy Cowans Gap, an insane 50k designed by Alisa Springman and Sue Malone in Southern PA (blog on that is forthcoming):

Now I'm a trail runner!





13 Responses to MegaWUS (otherwise known as The WUS At Which Brittany Was Absent)

  1. TCal says:

    What, is there to be no mention of your female division victory and tied-for-3rd-place-overall finish at the Black Moshannon 10k?

  2. martha says:

    That’s coming in the Holy Cowans gap post, T. Don’t worry, it will be a featured event, including your prized Harry Lyons award. See if you can dig up some pictures for me.

  3. TCal says:

    Excuse me, but I think a Black Mo win is prestigious enough to warrant it’s own post.

  4. martha says:

    Then go ahead and write it, honey.

  5. TCal says:

    Can’t for two reasons.

    1) Don’t know nuthin’ ’bout bloggin’
    2) Pavement pounders aren’t allowed to blog on wussies.net

  6. martha says:

    1) Then just write a really long comment — you seem to have that down.
    2) If you have black toenails you can consider yourself one of us.

  7. My absence wasn’t notable? Thanks, Martha (insert sad face here)

  8. Doug says:

    Brittany, you apparently didn’t whine enough or to the right person 🙂

  9. TCal says:

    Are you insinuating that I’m long winded? It’s not having black toenails that counts, it’s how you got them. Alas, mine came for the streets of Charlottesville, not the mountains of (insert name here).

  10. Doug says:

    BTY – Sean, you should have worn that Do-Rag (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Do-rag) on your date night June 1st.

  11. TCal says:

    Brittany, did you notice that the only noted absences were men? Just sayin’!

  12. Thanks Martha, although, I’m absent all the time now. I need new legs.

  13. martha says:

    Yeah, you and Brian both. I got Brian an appointment with Adam the Miracle Worker (but he’s booked through July). Let me know if you want me to book you an appt — we want to see you on the trails again!

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