SSF 2018-A: Rocked It
A burst of warm weather threatened to derail the opening SnowShoeFest of the 2018 winter in Canaan Valley, WV (SSF 2018-A). But a little bit of rocks and roots never deterred a hearty group of Wussies.
Fortunately, there was just enough snow for our group of newbies to get a taste of xc skiing at Whitegrass Ski Resort. With a couple instructions on how to hold the poles and a complete understanding that these skis here got no edges, the Wussies were off…..

Martha is either: (a) drinking from an inconveniently low spring pipe; (b) praying to Allah for no more rocks.

Aaron is doing his best impression of (a) Keith posing with his beloved inanimate trail finds; (b) a praying mantis.
After the big ski adventure, the Wussies treated themselves to an afternoon of less harrowing activities like ten flights of ice-slicked stairs to see a pretty waterfall (Blackwater Falls State Park).
And watch the sunset at Lindy Point Overlook.
On Sunday we were planning to do a 10k xc ski race at White Grass. But an overnight rain encouraged the Wussies to opt for a hike through the Dolly Sods wilderness area. Causing Trevor’s dogs Sadie and Dean much rejoicing.
As the wise Sarah Stanley once said, the rocks and roots and ice slicks are what make West Virginia adventures fun. After all, what would mid-Atlantic skiing be without being catapulted on your face from time to time by snow-hidden (and not so snow-hidden) rocks?
Top Ten Achievements of SSF 2018-A
- Getting Cecile and Bernard out to WV. After talking up WV for 6+ years. This. finally. happened.
- Getting Trevor and Keli out to WV. Trevor’s typical response to things we suggest he and Keli do with us: Ha, that’s funny.
- Getting all the Wussies down the steep, rocky, rooty Falls Overlook trail at White Grass. Without any tears/tantrums/taking off skis/yelling at Marmot & Bear for how much they lied about how we were ‘going to stick to flat, easy stuff’.
- Cohabiting two dogs and a cat at the Chophouse. Without any cats protesting by pooping on pillows. Despite hiding under the blankets for two days, Leda begrudgingly accepted that the doggies could return some day. Ultimate team player.
- Creating GIFs for this blog. With the maddeningly slow internet connection at the Chophouse.
- Marmot making it until 2pm for lunch. Twice. While eating for two. That’s commitment.
- Marmot not having a meltdown after Trevor beat her in Scrabble. First defeat of her life. Blaming momnesia.
- Michael getting out of his pajamas. Impaired by a prior ice skating injury, Michael shrewdly sat out the xc ski adventure and had a relaxing day at the Chophouse, defined by the major activity of putting on real pants.
- Trevor not re-injuring his butt. After falling on the ice during a run in Georgetown, Trevor’s butt wasn’t sure about the soundness of his decision to put it on edge-less xc skis and send it over rocks and roots. Fortunately, with ninja-like balance, Trevor spared his rear from further impairment.
- Hitting every time goal for departure (within the 5-minute grace period). This was not a typical Wussie take-an-extra-hour-to-get-out-the-door-while-everyone-lingers-outside-while-folks-inside-try-to-figure-out-which-headband-to-wear kind of SSF. Our group shuffled out the door with a military-like efficiency that would make Kerry O. swoon.
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- 2013: another year, another chance to try to not f&*k everything up
- A White Canaan Christmas
- A very merry fat ass
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- Survey Response
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- Neil Young versus the Silver Diner juke box
- Um, ignore last posting - guy is CREEPY
- Looking for Lost Love on Shady Grove Road
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