A couple of months ago, Aaron and I were in the bustling metropolis of State College, PA, watching It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, when we witnessed this commercial for the Farmer’s Only dating website.  Since then, Farmer’s Only has provided an endless source of entertainment.

I have an account so that I can access profiles like this one:








So while I was visiting my friend Sarah’s farm in Wisconsin I had a chance to work on updating my profile:

scooping pony poo










And showing my kinship with tractors:

Um, I don’t know what this caption is supposed to say.










The Sarahs figured the Ryan affiliation would score big points with the Farmers Only folk:


Maybe farmers like romantic walks on the beach:








Or meercats?








I dunno, kinda tough to competes with the likes of this:

hope she finds a hoe fa dem bunnies











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