All of the talks at the Mexican Virology Congress (except for mine and the other plenaries) are in Spanish.  So the marmot’s got a lot of free time on her hands.  My favorite way of passing the time so far has been to make lists of ‘Yay!’ and ‘Boo!’.  This appears to be my new favorite game during boring meetings.  Expect this list to continue to expand as the meeting wears on:


Yay! Boo!
Lionel Messi Daniel Snyder
Women’s Half Marathon Holiday Lake
Asian Small-Clawed Otters Mosquitos
Vace Pizza Mayonnaise
Running in the Sodds Running on the C&O
Thai massage Hot yoga
People who are funny People who are not funny
Spending time with family (<48 hrs) Spending time with family (>48 hrs)
Wedding cake Wedding toasts
Lobster Frozen fish
Taking wildlife photos with Aaron Smiling for photos
Pilates with Mom and Cecile The pilates lady who breathes loud
Vacations Planning for vacations
Shelter/rescue animals When people pretend to love all animals and then buy purebreds
Meyer Dairy When people pretend that sorbet is even within the same order as ice cream
Fans at Boston Marathon Logistics at Boston Marathon
Seinfeld Friends
New Zealand Flying to New Zealand
Running with Sean Dealing with Sean
Stone House Building 12b basement
Wailing guitars Regina Spector
Wegmans The fact that DC has no Wegmans
Altras Vibrams
Canada Goose Coats Winter
White Grass XC Ski Area Winter
Skiing in Frisco Winter
Pull-buoys Goggles
WUS Jennifer
The Wire The War on Drugs
Car Seat Heaters Winter
Beer Mile Morning after the Beer Mile
Rock Creek Park Rapists
Being Jewish Fasting
How people who drive Jeeps wave to each other When we forget we’re in a rental car and wave at the confused person in the Jeep
My job Describing what I do to people I meet the first time
Writing my blog Knowing that I should be doing work instead of writing my blog
My simple minimalist $25 Under Armour sports bras, circa 2007 Lululemon, for making $50 sports bras standard
Anna Karenina Robinson Crusoe
Metro Metro
Bike gloves Bike seats
Getting haircuts Makeup
Pooping Pooping during a race
Catherine the Great Every Russian leader since Catherine the Great
Berger cookies Diabetes
Max Beckmann Goethe
Alice and Isabella Italian bureaucracy
Winning a race Being asked before the race if you’re gonna win
Golden lion tamarins Temple monkeys
Japanese food Japanese desserts
Horton swag Horton
Science Jenny McCarthy
Ponies Girls who actually had ponies growing up and don’t call their parents every day to thank them for it
Adaeze Naveen
Ryan Paavola People who actually refer to themselves as ‘elite’ runners
Stone Mill 50 JFK
Watching sports games Watching sports games with Bob
Cleveland Park 800 sqft apt (2 people, 1 cat, 3 bikes)
DC Public Libraries DC Parking Enforcement
Dark chocolate Milk Chocolate
Playing tennis Playing doubles with Bob
Jen’s cookies Jen’s job
Trainwreck Watching Trainwreck with a family member
Butterflies Butterfly collectors
Aaron Lyme disease
Amherst XC Ned
Chicago O’Hare
Next-generation sequencing Assembling next-gen data
Skiing in the Italian Alps Driving a Panda with no snow tires in the Italian Alps
Intercourse Babies
Food in Barcelona Trying to get food before 10pm in Barcelona
Some Like It Hot (the Billy Wilder movie) Some Like It Hot (the Robert Palmer song)




2 Responses to yay! and boo!

  1. I’m with you on mosquitos and running on the C&O.
    And store mayonnaise is horrifying.
    But you haven’t had my homemade mayo.

  2. Evan says:

    This cracked me up! But I must disagree on the chocolate – any chocolate whether of the dark or milk variety is a yay! I would love to hear the stories behind some of the other entries and their corresponding boos. Thanks for the (perhaps unintentional) laughs.

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