To address any confusion about the purpose of this blog, we are highlighting the relevant section from the Terms of Service.

The blog at (henceforth referred to as The Blog) shall be used for purposes including, but not limited to the following:

  1. Disseminating critical information concerning events organized by or for members of the Woodley Ultra Society (henceforth referred to as WUSsies),
  2. Discussions of athletic events in which at least one (1) WUSsie has participated in or will participate in, such as,
    a. Results of said events,
    b. Experiences and emotions of participating WUSsies immediately before, during and immediately after said events,
    c. Injuries sustained by WUSsies in the course of said events (including, but not limited to broken bones, sprains and deep flesh wounds)
  3. Explanation of rashes, infections (viral or bacterial), phlegmy coughs and/or pervasive offensive bodily oder experienced by, or encountered by, any WUSsies,
  4. Musings on topics of direct concern to the larger WUS population, such as,
    a. Running
    b. Pizza and/or beer
    c. Shirts
  5. Taunting of WUSsies
  6. Sharing of any experience involving at least one (1) WUSsie which any participating WUSsie desires to share,
  7. Taunting of non-WUSsies.
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